where the streets have no name

last week as i drove into an area we build in all the time in Juarez, i realized immediately that light poles for electricity are going up in the neighborhood and that the buildings on the corners of the streets have street signs on them. I got so excited about the fact that this community is finally getting electricity. it's 2008. they are just getting electricity. my brain can't comprehend this. i have a nervous break down when i can't get internet. but what i never realized, is that these streets have never had names. i have been working here on and off for 6 years of my life, and it has never occured to me that these streets have no names. some part of me wonders how this has to make the people feel that live on these streets. as if they don't already feel insignificant enough in this world without electricity, in their pallet and cardboard houses, the city has never taken the time to name their streets. this isn't some constructed city of tents off in the woods somewhere. it's a community of houses and stores and churches and schools. i dont know what this does to a person to live like this. i don't get it. i never will. i have been crossing this US/Mexico border for 6 years. i had no idea that the streets with no names were 15 miles from where i have every thing i've ever needed.


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