Freezing in Juarez
What started as a thought became a movement. What we have witnessed happen over the past two days has become an act of God's love springing into action. We've watched people across the border and the US come together to help those freezing in a time of need. We got hit like the rest of the country this week with a snow storm and cold front like nothing this border ever sees. A combination of below zero wind chill temperatures and thousands of families living in poverty in shacks and pallet houses is not only a situation that is heartbreaking, it has the potential to be deadly.
We started with a prayer while searching for answers on how to respond to the 8 degree night that was about to hit the border. We sent out a call to action and asked for help with donations to buy provisions for families in need. In 2 hours over $2000 poured in and we witnessed God moving. We split up across El Paso buying socks, blankets, jackets, scarves and hats. The snow and cold came in over night and pounded the border and we woke up to snowy and icy roads and a city on lock down. Our hearts broke as we began to think that due to the road conditions, all of the supplies purchased would remain sitting in our office while families froze. We decided to take on the icy roads and as a team we crossed the border to take these families the help that they needed. We split up across two different parts of Juarez and with the assistance of the local pastors, we set out with these provisions to give to the families in need and let them know that they are loved not forgotten.
What we witnessed across the border was devastating. We saw families huddled in their pallet and cardboard homes under blankets trying to stay warm. People were outfitted in sweatshirts and clothing inadequate for the bone chilling temperatures upon us. With windburned faces it became impossible to tell if their eyes were filled with tears or watering from the cold and wind. The temperature dropped lower last night than we expected. It plummeted to 1 degree rather than 8 and the wind chill was -15. We know that these nights have been terrible for so many but we pray that these provisions made a difference.
Through this we have seen God move and our own faith has been strengthened. We are grateful to be surrounded by people who can't stand to sit still and do nothing while other's hurt around them. In the past two days we have witnessed a community of churches, supporters, friends and family from across the country rise up and do more than just stand by and watch. You were right there with us giving out these blankets which became a tangible expression of God's love. Your donations allowed us to be the hands and feet of Christ when the need was greatest. Thank you for bringing hope to the weary and hurting and extending God's grace and love to a community in desperate need. Thank you for praying for families across the border as the winter stretches on and their needs continue to grow. Thank you for partnering with us and making all of this possible. It's amazing to see what happens when the body of Christ comes together to help those in need.
"If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them." James 4:17
Check out the pictures The Mexico Freeze and video below to see a little bit of what we experienced across the border this week.
Record Cold Day in El Paso & Juarez from Casas por Cristo on Vimeo.