When It's Good...
It's so good.
But when it's bad.
It. Is. Bad.
I know we have a tendency in our culture to only talk about the good things... especially on social media. How great our family is, how good God is, how great our vacation is, how much fun we're having, every. single. day. Yet when the bad times come, we tend to curl up in a ball and hide rather than run to tell the world about it.
The reality is, a good day can turn into a bad one in an instant.
I write a lot about this weird life that I'm living. In fact, 10 minutes ago I did just that. I wrote a post about how odd it is to walk in and out of restaurants with a suitcase, to have to wait on rides from friends and to coordinate your calendar based on places to stay and other people's lives. And just 30 min before this, my sister, the person that knows me better then anyone else in the world, looked at me before she dropped me and my suitcase off at a Dunkin Donuts and said, "Britt, are you okay living like this?" And I said "Yea, I am, now gooooooooo."
And I was.
I meant that.
30 minutes ago.
But now, a toothache that has been killing me for two weeks is hurting and I'm in a lot of pain. And with that comes a change in my entire attitude.
I trust a little bit less and I want out of this situation a little bit more. What was tolerable and even exciting 30 minutes ago, is making me angry now.
When I'm tired, hungry, hurting, alone, I find that it is so much harder for me to trust Him.
That is when I want to toss in the towel
and not play this "game" anymore.
This is when I want my own home with my own bed to lay down in and my own door to shut. I want my own agenda back, with my own life and my own schedule. I want my own car so that I can go where I want, when I want, and not have to rely on anyone else anymore. This is when I want a consistent job, so that I will not lack for anything.
This is when I break. When I am uncomfortable.
And in an instant, what was a post about this journey and faith and trust, becomes a cry to Him for help, when I don't think I can do it anymore.
His promises haven't changed. They are exactly the same. I just have to trust Him more.
May we all know, in the good times as much as the bad, that He is there. May our praises turn into cries for help, because we are still turning to Him. And may He delight in walking us through, and showing us every time, that we can trust Him more and more.