United Airlines
I wasn't excited about it.
Let me start by saying that a week ago I was already thinking about what I was going to do to show my distaste for United when I flew today. My tickets were already booked and there was nothing that I could do about flying with this airline. I joked about making a shirt letting them know how disgusted I was with them. Or at the very least, I was going to make some sort of social media post to let my friends know that I was totally against flying with this airline today.
Instead... I bought M&M's.
Why you say? Because my flight attendant friend has been telling me for months that every time I fly, I should buy a bag of candy at the airport gift shop and give it to the lead flight attendant and crew. This is for two reasons:
1.This kind of gesture gives the flight attendants and crew some surprise snickity snacks for their flight and who doesn't love a surprise?! 2. Usually if there's anything the crew can do to hook you up on the plane; they will. So honestly, it's beneficial for both of us.
However, I've never actually done this before because it takes work and usually I'm exhausted when I fly. But today of all days, I felt like God was burdening my heart to buy candy for the crew.... the United crew. This gesture was not because I wanted the hook-up; I had already randomly been upgraded before my flight. It was simply to show kindness to a group of people that I would imagine have not had the best couple of weeks and to follow through with what God was burdening my heart to do. So I did.
Somehow I went from publicly shaming United, to buying them M&M's.
I gave the M&M's to the crew when I boarded the plane and didn't think much about it. But when my flight landed, the Captain came on the intercom and said, "Who's the M&M lady? We want to publicly say thank you and tell you all that you would not have had as smooth of a landing if it wasn't for the M&M's. ;) That meant a lot to us."
Honestly, seeing how happy it made them, made my day too.
Does United deserve to reap the consequences for their actions? 110%
Was anyone from that crew that bashed the doctor's teeth out, a part of the crew on my flight? Not that I'm aware of.
Does everyone deserve kindness? Absolutely.
So this is an encouragement for all of the times that you feel like you are supposed to do something and it is the last thing on Earth you want to do. It's for a reason. Follow through. ;)
*This story brought to you by my sister that said I had to write this post and by the hope that God is making something more beautiful out of all of us than we are capable of on our own.*