
You know what I want to read? I want to read the story that's unfinished. I'm so tired of the stories with the fairy tale endings. I think that it messes all of us up. Granted, stories are written because there's a beginning and an end. Most people aren't out there telling their stories in the middle of it all. I mean, how would that go over? You get to the middle of the story at the party and then just stop and say, "That's all I got, I have to see what happens tomorrow."

It's not that I want to hear all of the "unfinished" stories; it's just that I feel like all we hear are the stories that have a happy ending.

I want to hear the stories of struggle and heartbreak. I want to hear the stories of grief because even after 20 years, you still wake up and miss that person every day. I want to hear the stories of addiction that every day are still a fight, even though you've chosen to walk away. I think that there are more than the stories with the happy endings that need to be told, especially at church. I think that when all we hear are the happy endings, it confuses us all. It makes us feel like we're missing something when we wake up and still deal with our brokenness every single day.

I think there's more than happy endings. I think there's the fight to stay alive. I'm more of an 80's movie montage type of gal. I want to hear about the fight. I want to see the fight. I want to hear about how hard it is every day and how you get up and keep going. I don't know, maybe I'm the one that's supposed to write that story. Yes, God is good. But following Him is still the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life. And I wish more people would get up and say exactly that. Because that's what scripture says. I wish more people would get up and talk about the fight.

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world."


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